The ability to effectively and efficiently work and shape paper is a complex task.
Thanks to a view of the bigger picture, to an agile organization and to flexible services, La Litografica is able to satisfy a wide range of customer needs guaranteeing the quality, continuity and stability of supply.
The efficiency of the supply chain is the result of the work of a highly qualified staff, able to realize some of the most interesting and innovative solution in the Italian and European paper industry, assuring an undisputable quality level at very competitive conditions.

Six departments dialogue harmoniously with each other, giving life to La Litografica:
Prototype design and realisation, with CAD and plotter with format 170×200
Manual platen for pre series realisation
Pre-printing with CTP system
Mechanical workshop and die cut fitting department
Material and product control lab
40000 sqm, 13500 indoor
40 employees
8.7 millions € in revenues
Over 17 millions sheets printed
Over 320 millions die cut/glued items